Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Well, I guess that's something...

I found out today that my friend at work, who got me the job, has gotten a new job and is leaving. Which sucks on the one hand, because he's a good guy, and I don't enjoy talking to the other guys quite as much. Not that they aren't nice guys, it's just they're not all that I usually look for in good company. One is not as funny as he thinks he is, another might be okay, but I haven't really worked with him enough to know, and he doesn't work very often anyway, and the last one barely speaks english. He's Phillipino. I know, I know. We're supposed to be accepting of other cultures and all. I have a problem with accents okay? It's not personal, but figuring out what the hell you're talking about makes me tired, and you can't get any conversational rhythm that way.
Anyway, the OTHER hand is that the guy who's leaving is the department manager, which means everybody sort of moves up a rung most likely. Which means I SHOULD get my FULL TIME and BENEFITS. Which is a bit of alright. And not a moment too soon. This morning I woke up, and my lip had expanded to about twice it's normal size, which is never fun. When you go to bed, it's just sort of something that you take for granted that you'll wake up in roughly the same condition as you went to sleep, barring perhaps a numb arm, if you slept funny. It's very disconcerting to wake up and an integral part of your face has been misbehaving while you were unconcious.
Anyway, I went to the doc, and he attempted to reassure me that though there wasn't any bruising, it was possible I had bit my lip in the night, and if THAT wasn't it, it could be an alergic reaction (though I haven't changed anything and never had such a reaction before). I was somewhat reassured, but would doubtless have been MORE reassured if it weren't for the slight look of puzzlement on his face and the fact that he told me "I have no idea what's wrong with you." Still, he said he was confident that whatever it was, it wasn't serious, and he could send me home.
So after that, I went to work, where I probably reeked all day, because I'd gone to the hospital on my bike (which is actually faster than public transportation in this particular case, because of the train route... I'd have had to go out of my way downtown to catch a connecting train.) and it had gotten somewhat warm.
I got off work at 10 (they asked me to work extra hours TWICE so far this week, so that's good. A. more hours, B. in a pinch, they can count on me over the other two part timers) and that's been my day. I just got home. Oh, and my lip is still puffy, though not quite as alarmingly so as this morning. How was your day?


cherreh said...

So... the theme song of YOUR day was "Fat Lip" by Sum 41.

It's probably not my place to say, but if I were you, I'd give them a fortnight to deliver the better pay and if it's not happening, then I'd walk.

The Diet Coke of Evil said...

I've got the hours now. That oughta be enough to get me out of my sister's house, which is my immediate goal.

cherreh said...

There is a massive hairy fly on my windowsill.

What kind of place are you going to move into?

The Diet Coke of Evil said...

a very very cheap one, but hopefully at least private. I'd rather not share living space with strangers. Although, allusions were made yesterday to the possibility of a RAISE involved in this personnel shuffle, which would be GREAT news. I might not have to live on macaroni & cheese and ramen noodles!

cherreh said...

Man, sharing houses with ANYONE besides your own kids is gay. People NEVER clean up after themselves and they eat your food and puddle up the bathroom floor and use your cds and then leave them lying around as if they've been frisbeed over the shoulder. Then they drink all weekend and then ask you if you can lend them half their rent because they've drunk (and spewed) their rent money (and left remnants of spew on the toilet that were supposedly going to get cleaned up by the Spew-Fairy). For some stupid reason you feel sorry for them because you remember being young and stupid with money so you lend them the money for their rent. They thank you profusely and promise to have it straight back to you on Thursday. Instead of paying you back the loan next time they get paid, they get all their friends together and pack the ute for a weekend down the coast, in the meantime taking all of your meat out of the freezer for their barbeque, and stealing your razors and favourite beach towel for the trip. You leave this stupid country town and go back to Sydney to visit your parents for the weekend, and when you get home your awesome mountain bike has been cut off its security chain in the stairwell and sold for drugs. The offending housemate says the bike thief got out of the 2nd-floor kitchen window with your bike and was so swift (well, he clearly had superpowers to escape a 20-foot drop to the ground out of a window while holding an expensive mountainbike) that he got away.

Even IF you have to live on ramen noodles and macaroni cheese, it's better than the best housemate you'll ever find.

Yes. I have had some bad experiences.

The Diet Coke of Evil said...

actually, my experiences with roommates have been much better. I totally miss the guys I lived with in Texas. I just want to be able to walk around my house naked, and play my guitar at 3 am. :D

cherreh said...

Big comment.

Omg omg omg. The naked cowboy! I really wanna get a photo with him when I come visit.

Naked guitar practise. That's like, one of my favourite things about being a bachelorette. Except I stand in the bathroom in my undies singing and playing guitar because it sounds nicer. (Not coz I'm in my undies. Coz I'm in the bathroom.)
Sometimes I perch on the edges of the bath with a foot on either side and just kinda stand there singing and playing guitar. It's really quite absurd.
If there was a webcam in my house it'd be full of scenes like that.
Actually I'd be really interested to watch my own behaviour on a sped-up webcam. You know how you act different when you're alone? You do weird stuff. You stand and stare out the window scratching your ribs for a second, then you stand forever deciding which cd to put on and get distracted picking something off your clothes, and then you forget what you were doing so you just kinda stand there humming and digging your finger into the throw rug, then you see the Sunday paper and sit on the arm of the lounge chewing your lip and reading a feature about some author's life story, but then you realise it's too quiet and then you remember you were going to put on a cd, so you put on Led Zeppelin and do the dishes wiggling your arse to "Black Dog".

You lived in Texas.
I wish I could say I'd lived in Texas.

Hey I went to efx2.
I think I just have to eventually.
But I can't make it look good. It's too hard. And ...dumb. I don't understand how to do it. I should hire you to make mine cool.

I think my URL is www.rozzicheeks.efx2blogs.com
(because I got a P.D. URL but screwed the registration by using a Hotmail address because I didn't know Hotmail doesn't work).
Are you going back to efx2?

cherreh said...

No. It's

**PD implodes upon the realisation that she has no idea how anything works**